Thursday, December 6, 2018

Day 6.2018

What do you want for Christmas?

There have been big changes for my family this year. Like huge major changes. Mostly though, we don’t talk about them. If you know us in real life, or if you follow any of us on social media, you may know that #1 we have a house again! We are so thankful to not be living in an apartment any longer! And #2 we are now a family of 5 instead of a family of 4.  Now before you congratulate Kathleen on the birth of another baby let me stop you, she did not give birth in 2018, and no, Heather did not move back in, (although we have a room for her. When we moved into this house Matthew said, this back bedroom must be for Heather). 

Back to my point, our house and our hearts are now home to one of Matthew’s buddies.  I am not sharing his story here, except to say he needed a place to stay, and my son is a loyal friend who would do anything for his friends.  It has been a challenge and blessing.  You don’t realize how much of your life, your families culture is unique to itself until you add another person.  Suddenly things you take for granted are questioned. Why do we eat at the table when everyone is home, but not when Kat is not here?  If we have to use all matching silverware at thanksgiving, why didn’t we just buy all matching silverware to start with?  And so forth. Likewise you never know how much more love you can add to your family until you do.

Which brings me to today’s topic. What do you want for Christmas?  I don’t think I can remember the last time I asked my boys this.  When they were little Paul got Legos and Matthew got star wars action figures.  Those were all the toys they really wanted. And when they got into video games they picked the games they wanted for each other, or just were happy with what we purchased.  I don’t remember lists.  The last few years I’ve shared the last minute trip to Target to get our presents for each other stories.  Apparently that is not to be a thing this year. I am ok with this development,  It is interesting to see the boys responses when asked.  I am aware there are big schemes going on between the three of them, conspiring amongst themselves to make sure the gifts they give are the best ones.

What I do struggle with is how to answer when I am asked.  I don’t need anything. Well, a new job, a million dollars, happiness for my extended family, and world peace.  Those things don’t wrap easily and are hard to shop for.  So what do you say when someone sincerely asks what you want for Christmas? I mean I wrote the perfect Christmas gift myself so I already have a copy of 25 days with Judson,Stories for Advent.  You should definitely ask for it yourself (hint hint).  Shameless plug aside, as adults how hard is it to let another person pick a gift for you? Why is that? An argument could be made that once we shift into gift giver mode, it seems selfish to say, I want a blue sweater, or a pair of leather gloves.  But is it? I mean yes if I gave out an Amazon wish list to everyone in my family so they could check off the items that seems a little untoward and materialistic. But when someone who loves you, someone who the act of giving is important to asks you, shouldn’t you be able to answer?

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