Monday, December 9, 2019

Day Nine

The adventures of Peep

Last year one of our littles mother mentioned on FB that her child was very concerned about the baby Jesus sleeping in their nativity, and wanted to be sure there was fresh straw to keep the baby warm. Such a tender hearted sweetness towards a baby doll reminded me of the absolutely true adventure of Peep. 

Now, I don’t remember it first hand, but I remember hearing the story from my Mom, and from other adults who were there. I don’t know, maybe my Dad remembers? Or maybe my sister Jenni knows the story better than I do? In any case, here is what I know. 

When my sister was about 16 months old there was a family Christmas Eve service at our church. I believe it was Fairview Community Church. As part of the service they had a ‘life size’ nativity up at the front of the church. Including a baby doll from the nursery standing in as the infant Christ. Do you see where this is going? If not, check the first paragraph, that there is called foreshadowing. 

Let’s assume everyone is shocked and surprised that my baby sister toddled to the front of the sanctuary and was fascinated with the baby doll. Eventually she attempted to kidnap the baby Jesus. After several aborted attempts that she loudly protested, the minister, who may or may not have been Gary Barrmore, finally said, enough, let her hold the baby, it will be alright. Once the service was over there was another lengthy negotiation to get my sister to release baby Jesus.

But the story doesn’t end there. The way it was always told to us, my Uncle Bob, (my Dad’s brother) drove all over town trying to find a matching baby doll to gift to Jenni for Christmas. He was successful, and Christmas morning she was overjoyed to receive the baby she soon named Peep.

When we were older, if you squeezed Peep tightly she made a noise that sounded like a peeping chick. I thought that it was the result of the hard life of going everywhere with Jenni, and that was how she earned her name, but Internets research tells me no, she was a Montgomery Ward baby doll named Cameo Miss Peep baby doll. That baby grew up with Jenni. She took her everywhere, bought her preemie baby clothes, and even carried here in baby carrier.

One memorable adventure with Peep was when I was 12 or 13 so Jenni would have been 10 or 11. We were hiking around lake Havasu with my Mom. We had stopped for a snack and I was playing a game where I threw the baby out into the lake and then yelled “help help my baby can’t swim” then Jenni would scream at me, and I would use a stick to grab the baby and pull her back to shore. Then I’d do it again. On the 3rd or 4th time, I was laughing so hard that I waited too long to reach the baby, then Jenni really started to freak out. About that time another group of hikers came around the bend, and saw a lifelike baby floating face down farther away from shore and my near hysterical sister. My mom grabbed me by the arm so hard and said “I don’t care if you have to swim all the way across the lake you get that baby back”. I think I only had to wade in knee deep until I could reach her, but oh man was I in trouble. 

Now I’d hate to leave you with such a terrible image of me as a brother, or an uncle so I’ll offer these up instead. 

First is my Paul holding baby Peep at the baby shower for my brother Ben’s son. One of the games involved holding a baby and a cell phone while handing clothes on a clothes line. Paul didn’t win the game, but he looked cute holding the baby right?

The next is my sweet niece holding baby Peep a few years ago. My sister Jenni is a good mom and I have to think all those years of lugging Peep around paid off. 🤣🤣🤣

Do me a favor? Remember your favorite Christmas gift as a child. What was it?

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