Earlier this month our pastor Sarah challenged the congregation to find things that bring them joy this season.
Ever one to jump on a bandwagon, here I am.
What brings me joy?
Teaching the littles at church. They are absolutely their own little personalities and they don’t always mesh together gently, but they always give me joy.
Christmas music. Yes, it can be cringe inducing. (I am looking at you christmas shoes) but also, it can be just the right thing to fit the moment.
Christmas cookies. I mean, it’s a cookie, and it is for christmas. What is not to love?
Eggnog. Certainly there are other ways to drink your calories, but unless you are lactose intolerant, why not indulge yourself?
Christmas cards. I mean… I haven’t sent Christmas cards since 2000 but I love getting them. I enjoy the opening of the card, and the reading of the greeting, asking Kathleen who the people are again. Trying to remember if I like them or not. Then finding a place of honor (or dishonor) on the mantle to display it.
Christmas decorations. Even if I have no intentions of liberating the ornaments I just enjoy seeing them. This year my obsession has been the little bottlebrush trees. They are just so cute!
All the cute pictures of sweet holiday treats I get from Dedicated. Daily they send me pictures to post on social media and the combination of the treats and how the staff stages them with the decorations is just a little bolt of serotonin.
What is bringing you Joy this holiday season?
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