Sunday, December 16, 2012

Auntie Claus - Day 16


Are you a list maker? Kat and Matthew are. Today is the day for lists. Our party is less than a week away and we need to make lists of what we need to do to get ready, what we need to pack, and what needs to happen at the house in preparation for us to be gone a week. Matthew wants to make a list of things he wants for Christmas but I don’t think that is going to happen.

So, in the spirit of list making I thought I would share a quick and easy list of things you may not know about me.

1. Now that I have begun I can’t think of one thing you might not know.
2. My Paul just said the best part of Christmas day is the Dr. Who Christmas special.
3. I don’t necessarily disagree with him.
4. Everyone gives Kat credit for the chocolate mice, but more often than not I make them.
5. Kat is an amazing chocolate maker, but Matthew and I won the chocolate contest at Paul’s school in 6th grade. Chocolate covered strawberries.
6. Paul also won with the coconut bonbons
7. Kat entered her truffles and did not win.
8. Paul, Matthew and I believe it the unsophisticated palates of the judges were to blame
9. Any minute now I will get up and make the aforementioned mice, coconut bonbons, and also chocolate covered pretzels.
10. I do this thing where I say “that same thing happened to me one time. . .” especially when it is NOT true.
11. Kat and the boys always play along. “I remember that time, when we were trapped on the tardis with only 20 minutes to live, good thing we escaped.
12. When I started this blog in 2009 I said I was doing it for no good reason, unless self promotion is a good reason.
13. I didn’t think anyone would read it.
14. I still don’t think anyone does.
15. When I was in the second grade I wrote that I wanted to be a Dad when I grew up.
16. I had no idea how wonderful that would be.
17. Or how challenging.
18. In college for two solid years I wrote down what I wore every single day, to prevent repeats.
19. Honestly? What was I thinking?
20. I am a much better dad than I am a son.
21. I strongly believe my Paul will be a better dad than I am.
22. My Matthew agrees with #21
23. Kat likes having a Christmas tree but is disinterested in decorating it.
24. Kathleen is a kind person who forgives people.
25. I put up with people who do and or say mean things about me.
26. I do not forgive people who are mean to Kathleen or my boys.
27. Twice since starting this list I have added to things I need to do on the other list.
28. Now I have to stop the boys have escalated the argument about the computer to the point where there will be actual fighting in a minute.


  1. It was my fudge that didn't win, not truffles, although they wouldn't have won either. You are amazing. That is all.

  2. Pish Posh. Inferior palates of the judges.



efore anyone points out that I am already behind, I know, believe me, I know.  I’m not offering excuses, today, but just letting you know, I...